Name: Liliya und Oleksii Yashenko
Firma: Transportunternehmen / KEP-Service
Nationality: Ukrainisch
September 02, 2024
Die Gründungsberatung mit Martin Swierzy war die produktivste Zeit, seitdem wir in Deutschland sind.
International.Founders.Training. unterstützt Dich und hilft Dir, die drei häufigsten Hürden bei Deiner Gründung zu überwinden:
Anerkennung internationaler Qualifikationen
Mit meinem breiten Erfahrungsschatz und einem großen Netzwerk begleite ich Dich auf Deinem Weg in die erfolgreiche Selbstständigkeit in Deutschland.
We host the next installment of our Brown Bag Luncheon on Entrepreneurship on October 2, 12 p.m. at the Restaurant Maxi in Ramstein-Miesenbach Are you interested in starting a business here in Germany? When entrepreneurs start a new business, it is usually synonymous with doing what they’re passionate about, being their own boss, and expecting financial gains. But as a business owner, you also face diverse challenges, especially during the starting phase. Knowing about the potential challenges when setting up and running a business can help avoid making common mistakes.
Martin Swierzy, Head Coach and CEO of INTERNATIONAL.FOUNDERS.TRAINING, will share his knowledge and experiences on what it takes to set up and run a business as an American entrepreneur on the German economy and will be ready to answer your questions. Furthermore, representatives from the Wirtschaftsförderung Kaiserslautern (Economic Development Agency) will point out how they can support entrepreneurs willing to set up a business in the KMC. Afterward, there will be plenty of time to discuss the topic further and exchange views and experiences with like-minded business owners over a cup of coffee.
Admission is free, sign up via email.
The luncheon is part of an ongoing German-American discussion about how to support Americans and their businesses and business ideas.